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Presentation Poll Results

In August, 2022, we asked data scientists in 5 LinkedIn groups about how often they have to present the results of their analysis to business stakeholders. This is a data story about the results of that poll.

Create a vizzu-player element that will contain the rendered story.

<vizzu-player controller></vizzu-player>

In a script module element:

// Import VizzuPlayer
import VizzuPlayer from ''
import Csv2Js from ''

// Get the created element
const vp = document.querySelector('vizzu-player')

// Create data object
const dataLoaded = Csv2Js.csv('./linkedinpoll.csv', {
    units: { 'Vote percentage': '%', 'GroupVote percentage': '%', 'Answer percentage': '%' }
dataLoaded.then((data) => {
    // Each slide here is a page in the final interactive story
    const slides = [
            style: {
                legend: {
                    label: { fontSize: '1.1em' },
                    paddingRight: '-1em'
                plot: {
                    marker: { label: { fontSize: '1.1em' } },
                    paddingLeft: '10em',
                    xAxis: {
                        title: { color: '#00000000' },
                        label: { fontSize: '1.1em' }
                    yAxis: { label: { fontSize: '1.1em' } }
                logo: { width: '6em' },
                fontSize: '0.8em'
            config: {
                x: { set: ['Vote percentage', 'Answer'] },
                y: 'Group number',
                color: 'Answer',
                label: 'Vote percentage',
                title: 'How often do you present your findings to business stakeholders?'
            style: { plot: { xAxis: { label: { color: '#00000000' } } } },
            config: {
                split: true,
                title: '2 or more is the most popular answer in every group'
            style: {
                plot: {
                    marker: { label: { fontSize: '0.916667em' } }
            config: {
                x: { set: ['Vote count', 'Answer'] },
                label: 'Vote count',
                title: '61% of the votes came from one group'
                style: { plot: { yAxis: { title: { color: '#00000000' } } } },
                config: {
                    x: 'Answer',
                    y: ['Group number', 'Vote count'],
                    split: false,
                    legend: 'color'
                style: { plot: { marker: { label: { fontSize: '1.1em' } } } },
                config: { y: 'Vote count', title: 'More than 700 people voted' }
                config: {
                    x: ['Answer percentage', 'Answer'],
                    y: null,
                    label: 'Answer percentage'
                style: { plot: { xAxis: { label: { color: '#00000000' } } } },
                config: {
                    coordSystem: 'polar',
                    title: 'More than two-third of respondents present at least once per month'

    // Create story configuration object, add data and slides to it
    const story = {

    // Set the size of the HTML element = 'width: 100%; height: 450px;'

    // Set up the created element with the configuration object
    vp.slides = story
  • Group 1: AI & ML - Analytics , Data Science . SAP BI/ Analytics Cloud /Tableau /Power BI /Birst
  • Group 2: Artificial Intelligence, Digital Transformation Data Science, Automation, Machine Learning Analytics
  • Group 3: Data Scientist, Data Analyst and Data Engineer
  • Group 4: Python Developers Community (moderated)
  • Group 5: Data Analytics, Data Science, Business Analytics, Business Intelligence, Data Scientist & Analyst