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Passengers of the Titanic

Create a vizzu-player element that will contain the rendered story.

<vizzu-player controller></vizzu-player>

In a script module element:

// Import VizzuPlayer
import VizzuPlayer from ''
import Csv2Js from ''

// Get the created element
const vp = document.querySelector('vizzu-player')
// Set the size of the HTML element = 'width: 100%; height: 400px;'
// Initializing Vizzu Player
const vpInitialized = vp.initializing

// Create data object
const dataLoaded = Csv2Js.csv('./titanic.csv', { dimensions: ['Pclass'] })

// Because using presets here, you need to
// create the configuration object after initialization
// (then presets are accessible via vp.Vizzu.presets)
Promise.all([dataLoaded, vpInitialized]).then((results) => {
    const data = results[0]
    const chart = results[1]

    // Switch on the tooltip that appears
    // when the user hovers the mouse over a chart element
    chart.feature('tooltip', true)

    // Set the style of the charts in the story
    const style = {
        plot: {
            yAxis: {
                label: { fontSize: '1em', paddingRight: '1.2em' },
                title: { color: '#ffffff00' }
            xAxis: {
                label: {
                    angle: '2.5',
                    fontSize: '1.1em',
                    paddingRight: '0em',
                    paddingTop: '1em'
                title: { fontSize: '1em', paddingTop: '2.5em' }
        logo: { width: '5em' }

    // Each slide here is a page in the final interactive story
    const slides = [
                    x: 'Count',
                    title: 'Passengers of the Titanic'
            { config: vp.Vizzu.presets.stackedBar({ x: 'Count', stackedBy: 'Sex' }) },
                config: vp.Vizzu.presets.groupedBar({
                    x: 'Count',
                    y: 'Sex',
                    legend: 'color',
                    title: 'Rougly one-third of the passengers were ladies'
                config: {
                    x: ['Count', 'Survived'],
                    y: 'Sex',
                    color: 'Sex',
                    lightness: 'Survived',
                    label: ['Survived', 'Count']
                config: {
                    align: 'stretch',
                    title: 'Much more women survived than men'
                config: {
                    x: 'Count',
                    align: 'none',
                    label: null,
                    lightness: null,
                    title: "Let's add the age of the passengers to the mix"
            { config: { y: ['Count', 'Sex'], x: 'Age_group', label: 'Count' } }
                config: {
                    label: null,
                    title: "Let's see how many people survived/died in these age groups"
                config: {
                    y: ['Count', 'Sex', 'Survived'],
                    lightness: 'Survived',
                    legend: 'lightness'
            { config: { y: ['Count', 'Survived', 'Sex'] } }
                config: {
                    align: 'stretch',
                    title: 'Survival rate varies a bit between age groups'
                filter: (record) => record.Sex === 'male',
                config: {
                    title: 'But again shows a very different picture for men...'
            { filter: null },
                filter: (record) => record.Sex === 'female',
                config: { title: '...and women' }

    // Create story configuration object, add data and slides to it
    const story = {

    // Set up the created element with the configuration object
    vp.slides = story